Chairman’s update
We all know that 2020 was a different and difficult (but thought provoking) year, which is why I wanted to say how very proud I am of how both we as a company and the wider sector adapted, improvised and to all intents and purposes overcame the most rapidly changing challenges to face us in modern times.
The new working practices we’ve developed are here to stay, and for good reason, as we all appreciate that lockdowns are necessary. Businesses of all shapes and sizes have adapted to these new ways of working, and John Rowan and Partners is no different. Despite all the surprises that 2020 threw at us, we’ve achieved a great deal.
These achievements have only been possible thanks to our people and partners, and to help celebrate their successes, we’ve put together a short film to capture 2020 in numbers.
Wellbeing first
The safety of our staff, clients and the communities in which we work in, is always, for us, the most important issue. The arrival of Covid presented us with the need to adapt and rethink many of our processes to ensure we are compliant with the now well-established Covid-19 protocols.
But more than that: we need to think about the wider issue of overall wellbeing, particularly when most of our staff are working from home where we can’t spot the visible signs that all may not be well, when colleagues may be working too late, too often, or suffering from reduced ‘in person’ contact with their team members. To help this we’ve increased communication, instigated more regular catch ups, virtual socials and participated in ‘Work Life Balance’ week last October.
So, what will 2021 bring?
Covid has changed our world at a faster pace than at any time in recent history. As a sector and as a business we must be able to change with it.
While cautious, we’re optimistic. Our teams are working flexibly and effectively to deliver new homes, refurbish buildings, regenerate estates, improve safety and support the UK’s hospitality sector as it prepares for better times.
We know how important it is to keep moving projects forward. The UK desperately needs more housing, landlords need more compliance and future events such as the 2022 Commonwealth Games need hotel venues.
Our fantastic client relationships, superb teams and exciting projects we’re already engaged in (see the latest edition of Insight for the details) give us confidence and hope for 2021.
A vaccinated UK
The current vaccines, and those in the pipeline also give us hope, helping to protect us all as individuals, reduce the burden on the NHS and allowing schools and business to gradually reopen.
Personally, I’m also looking forward to seeing my colleagues, clients and industry friends for real rather than virtually … and who knows, maybe even for some social distanced socialising!
In the meantime, please stay safe and we hope to see everyone soon.
Kind regards
Mash Halai
Chairman, John Rowan and Partners