John Rowan and Partners awarded a place on £80m CHIC Framework

We are pleased to announce that John Rowan and Partners has been awarded a place on the Communities & Housing Investment Consortium (CHIC) Consultancy Services Framework Agreement.
Covering England and Wales, the not-for-profit organisation provides asset management programmes, repairs, maintenance and new build activities to over 100 Housing Associations, Local Authorities and other organisations. Together these own and manage over 800,000 social housing homes and other buildings across the UK.
With the total four-year framework estimated to be worth £80m, we have been appointed on Lot 1 – Integrated Consultancy Team Services. This comprises of Building Surveying, Contract Administration, Quantity Surveying, Principal Designer, Employer’s Agent services.
Sean Tobin, Equity Partner and Head of Public Sector team at John Rowan and Partners, commented on the appointment:
“Demands on the residential sector have never been more challenging. Winning a place on this framework means we will be able to assist CHIC’s members to deliver much needed high-quality housing. Members will be able to access our services with the assurance that we are compliant, accredited, experienced and highly skilled consultants. We are looking forward to working with them and their partner members and providing for their members’ local communities.”
CHIC, is a member owned consortium that secures efficiencies and savings for its members’ asset management and development programmes, including all repairs, maintenance, new build and legal activities. CHIC provides procurement compliance contract and commercial support for its members.