We’d recommend you to others, say 95% in client survey

A recent client survey has shown that our clients rate the services they receive as top-notch, with 95% saying they’d recommend us to others.
“We had a great response from both clients and partners and were most encouraged by the overall positive response. We were reassured to hear that our business relationships and specialist services were highly valued, and that we have a friendly, dependable, flexible, committed team that’s respected and trusted.” said John Rowan and Partners Chairman, Mash Halai.
Clients were asked a range of questions about John Rowan and Partners services, covering everything from speed of response and communications, through to knowledge and expertise.
82% of respondents said that John Rowan and Partners had a ‘strong’ or ‘very strong’ image and reputation, with the words professionalism, reliability and friendliness repeatedly used to describe the company’s services.
“These are values that have been core to our business since it was founded nearly 40 years ago, so we’re pleased that our clients see these reflected in our business dealings,” said Mash.
While the survey findings were very positive, they also highlighted some areas for improvement – something that the John Rowan and Partners will be acting upon.
“Some of our clients and partners told us they weren’t aware of the full range of services we have to offer, with support on hidden homes, strategic asset management, joint ventures and bank monitoring all mentioned,” explained Mash. “Fire safety, latent defects, site inspection and tall buildings were also cited as areas they would like to know more about.
“We’re taking steps to get this information out to all our clients, as well as addressing the other areas raised by the survey respondents. It’s really important to us that we listen to what our clients are telling us, and that we act upon it.”
Clients were also asked about brand associations and in particular, if John Rowan and Partners was a make of car, what make of car would they be?
The team at John Rowan and Partners were very happy with the results, which saw them aligned with BMW, Audi and VW. Clients and partners cited the reason they chose these brands as they felt they were of high quality, reliable and dependable.