London Borough of Lambeth
Our services range from procurement and contract advice, health and safety to surveying and delivering works across Lambeth’s 22,000 housing stock as well as state schools.
We were procurement consultants for Lambeth’s £500m contractor framework delivering capital works in two geographical lots across the borough. We led the process from writing the procurement strategy to issuing the tender on Lambeth’s e-portal to holding mobilisaiton workshops for the successful contractors. One of Lambeth’s key success criteria and goals was to stimulate the local economy, the use of local labour, and the provision of training and skills transfer to local employees. They had committed, in their ‘Lambeth Living Employer Accord’ that they would use local labour in construction projects. We identified our client’s promises in the tender documents, including their commitments and policies regarding their employment and skills plan, and required bidders to commit to supporting this.
In order to scope contractor works we carried out 2,400 stock condition surveys. Our surveyors collected the data on-site using bespoke iPad software, uploaded it instantly to the cloud, where it was quality checked before being imported to Keystone. This data was used to prioritise works in the borough and firm up budgets.
For Allen Edwards Primary School we were cost managers, building surveyors and CDM coordinators as well as providing strategic asset management and sustianability advice. We undertook a review of a range of issues associated with the asset management plan for Allen Edwards School to identify the status and condition of their current assets, the risks associated with them, the actions required to manage these risks and also identified how best the available funds could be utilised to obtain maximise efficiencies.
Our recommendation identified how the school could increase cost efficiency, become energy efficient and fully maximise available funding by identifying maintenance/improvement requirements. We highlighted their financial exposure and what was required in the short and long term to be in line with the school’s objectives.